Levi’s Japan linked up with Artist Craig “KR” Costello aka KRINK to launch a Japanese only line of ultra fresh denim, tees, & hoodies. Slated to hit the market November 14, that's this Saturday at CINCH TOKYO specialty boutique along the trendy Omotesando neighborhood. If you happen to find your self taking a trip to Japan this weekend (I wish I were) you might want to stop by and check it out. Each piece is branded with Costello's signature silver metallic paint in “drip” pattern, and can you blame the guy for a bit of shameless plugging of K-60 Paint, after all the roll-on paint applicator was first devised by Costello. As you would probably expect, the 501s are the prettiest girl at the party. The usual copper rivets were swapped out and in their places, metallic silver rivets. The same process was applied to the traditional orange stitching, now in silvery threads as well. Along the rear belt loop and waist back, the iconic silver paint runs across the denim. And to cap it all off, a special KRINK Levi’s logo is feature on the inside. I personally think the tees are crazy, don't really like the denim jacket though, maybe paired with the jeans it's just to much of a good thing. The hoodie is dope though, I would rock that with the jeans and leave the denim jacket for someone else pickup. And oh yeah, I'll take the model too.

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